Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Let's apply the 'TOUGH LOVE' in your classroom management

Follow these 15 ways to apply TOUGH LOVE within your classroom management within kultwit following # toughlove

Mrupakan classroom management key to success within teacher made his class mnjadi 'friendly intellectual # toughlove

# Toughlove adlh within the term describes the approach of teachers who use a facilitator of learning within mnjadi bg students in class

Here's how to use the principle # toughlove in the class ..

15. It is important jd teachers who are 'good', tp far jd lbh importantly who teachers 'effective' manner via 'clear & consistent' # toughlove

14. The attitude of 'firm & consistent' make teachers can teach with your heart, Because she so fair & professional individual who # toughlove

13. Jgn proud if teachers who rated 'good' by students, pdhl you not have 'control' the least of their # toughlove

12. Students within a variety of ages, there is an instinct test 'tendon patience', the solution had the attitude of teachers 'clear' & 'consistent' # toughlove

11. The size of the student teachers who preferred lg skrng not just teachers who are 'good', tp yg teachers 'way of teaching' good # toughlove

10. The attitude of 'firm' & 'consistent' practice teacher who puts students' parents as' partners' & not 'customer' # toughlove

9. Dedication trbsr adlh teacher student academic achievement, attitude of 'clear' & 'inconsistent' to students is always ready to learn # toughlove

8. The task of teachers adlh maintain the 'standard' so that students both within the academic, about the 'behavior, etc.' bs as you go along # toughlove

7. The principle of 'strict' & 'consistent' who embodied class 'healthy' in which teachers can 'teach' & bs students 'learning' # toughlove

6. Clear & consistent teacher will look like ill have a 'heart' and the only busy teaching plan # toughlove mnjalankan

5. Teacher who 'consistent' once said 'yes' will say 'yes' (& vice versa) in accordance with the agreement that already created # toughlove

4. Teacher who 'consistent' will be made his deal (essential agreements) during the first day of teaching students in his class

3. Teacher who 'strongly' Because he wanted the students to change their behavior, sdngkan teacher who 'fierce' he wants students to know who is who 'in power' # toughlove

2. Teachers should be able to distinguish between 'firm with fierce &' consistent with morbidly ware 'when using the principle # toughlove

1. Classroom teachers who use the principle # toughlove means he uses the principle of 'strict' and 'consistent' at the same time

