Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

How to Communicate Effectively with Student Parents.

The teacher scolded by parents is nothing new anymore in the present. Especially when the parents are feeling left full education and entrust their children to school. Scolded said here is very subjective, it could be according to one teacher, it is said by a parent or student complaint is just plain warning to other teachers while it is a great thing and make him uncomfortable.

The teacher has become a complementary actors in the process of education of a child. The main actors of course the parents, and the decision to hand over their children to school institution is a big decision because it deals with belief. In keeping with the trust of parents, it takes a high morale of teachers to communicate. Understand it is not haphazardly educated by us as teachers is the biggest investment they as parents.

In communicating with parents of students there are some things that a principle and must hold onto. Failure to communicate will result in a healthy elderly people become defensive or even question our competence as a teacher. Students who your students are flesh and blood of the parents, thus natural that they will retain and be defensive in matters relating to their child.

When you are dealing with a defensive nature, not out of place if we take the rhythm and to be confronted simply because we feel as a teacher of the child and understand perfectly his attitude in everyday life.

Here is what teachers must master in order to communicate with parents of healthy.

  1. Be a teacher-friendly and 'friendly'
  2. Convey information and facts rather than the subjective results of your assessment
  3. Keep your tone of voice in speaking, with a gentle tone of voice and professional, parents will feel that you are the 'parent' their children when at school.
  4. Tell me how you deal with issues regarding your son / daughter of a parent page. Parents will appreciate if you also engage in conversation 'effort' you are doing.
  5. Anything as bad as you talk with the parents not more than half an hour, if diperturutkan parents will stand a long talk with us as teachers of their children. Our task remains the focus for teaching and teacher preparation. Spoke at length makes the problem widen and become unfocused.

