PROCESS SKILLS APPROACH can be interpreted as insight or fad development of intellectual skills, social and physical abilities derived from the fundamental principle has existed in students. Approach to learning science process skills emphasizes the formation of skills to gain knowledge and communicating the results. The approach now known as process skills and active student learning is not widely realized, and learning less attention to individual learning exhaustiveness. The approach is intended to develop the process skills abilities possessed by individual students. Review process skills approach that was taken from the opinion of Funk (1985) as follows:
(1) approach to develop the nature of the process skills of science students. Students are encouraged to acquire knowledge well as better understand the facts and concepts of science;
(2) Learning through process skills will give students the chance to work with science, not just telling, and or listen to the history of science;
(3) process skills can be used by students to learn the process and product as well as science. Science Process Skills approach gives students the chance to actually act as a scientist.
From the above description can be stated that the application of process skills approach requires the involvement of mental-physical and intellectual students. It can be used to train and develop the intellectual skills or thinking abilities of students. It also develop scientific attitudes and students' ability to discover and develop the facts, concepts, and principles of science or knowledge.
Can then be used to solve the problems of everyday life in an objective and rational. Thus, it can be concluded that the science process skills is an intellectual activity is usually done by scientists in solving problems and producing products of science. Process skills in science teaching is an alternative model of learning or science that can involve students in the behavior and mental processes, such as scientists. Funk (1985) points out that the various process skills can be classified into two general categories: the basic process skills (basic skills) and integrated skills (integarted skills). Basic process skills include activities relating to observation, classification, measurement, communication, prediction, inference. If we examine further below.
1. Observation
Through observing the activities, students learn about the world around is fantastic. Human observing objects and phenomena of nature by engaging the senses sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing. Information obtained, it can require students about environmental interpretation and research them further. The ability to observe the most basic skills in the process and gain knowledge and skills most important to develop other processes. Observe a response to various natural objects and events with the five senses. By observation, students collect data on responses to the object being observed.
2. Classification
A large number of objects, events, and everything in life around, the more easily learned if done by determining the different types of classes. Characterize and observe the similarities, differences and relationships and grouping objects based on suitability for various purposes. Skills to identify similarities and differences of various objects based on the events of their distinctive properties so we get a kind of class or group of objects of events in question.
3. Communication
Humans began to learn early in life that communication is the basis for solving the problem. Skills menyapaikan something orally and in writing, including communication. Communicating can be interpreted as penyampaikan and acquire facts, concepts, and principles of science in the form of sound, visual, or sound and visual. Examples of reading maps, tables, garfik, charts, symbols, diagrams, visual demonstrations.
4. Measurement
Measure can be interpreted as comparing the measured with a specific unit of measure that has been previously defined. Skills in using the tool in obtaining the data can be called a measurement.
5. Prediction
Predeksi is the skill to predict which will happen, based on symptoms. Regularity in our environment allows us to recognize patterns and to predict the patterns of what might be observed. Predicting can be interpreted as anticipating or make predictions about everything that will happen in the future, based on estimates in a particular pattern or trend, or relationships between facts, concepts, and principles of knowledge.
6. Inference
Conducting inference is concluded. This can be interpreted as a skill to decide the state of an object or event based on the facts, concepts and principles are known. Integrated Skills is a blend of two basic process skills or abilities more. Consists of integrated skills: identifying variables, tabulation, chart, description of variables relations, acquisition and data processing, analysis investigation, experiment hypothesis.
a. Identification of variables: Skills to know the characteristics of the factors that will determine the change
b. Tabulation: Skills presentation of data in tabular form, to facilitate the reading of the relationship antarkomponen (compilation of data by lane-lane available)
c. Graph: Skills presentation with a line about the ups and downs of something worse. d. Description of relationship variables: Skills to make a synopsis / statement relationship
the factors that determine changes.
e. Acquisition and data processing: The skills to do the steps in order to meperoleh data.
f. Analysis of the investigation: Skills describe the subject matter of the parts and insolubility problems based on a consistent method to achieve an understanding of basic principles.
g. Hypothesis: Skills formulate provisional estimates.
h. Experiment: Skills to conduct experiments to prove a theory / explanation based on observation and reasoning.
Keterampian process as expressed by the Funk is a skill that must be applied to the process of education in schools by teachers. Learning science skills emphasized in the formation of acquiring knowledge and developing a scientific attitude. This can be achieved when using the approach in the learning process skills good basic process skills and integrated process skills (integrated) as revealed above.
The step-by-step approach to learning the skills that were held in the SD process is as follows:
a. Observations by experiencing an event itself.
b. Opinions expressed denmgan predictions about events experienced.
c. Hypothesis: formulating provisional estimates.
d.Melakukan experiments / experiments on respiration using a Model of Human Respiration.
e. Acquisition and data processing; do step by step experiments to obtain data.
f. Communication: report the results of the discussion group or submit the acquisition of facts, principles.
If the approach is applied Process Skills gained some advantages, among others, as follows:
1. Students will gain the right understanding about the nature of knowledge.
2. Students have the opportunity to work with science and feel happy.
3. Students have the opportunity to learn the process of obtaining and produces knowledge.
(1) approach to develop the nature of the process skills of science students. Students are encouraged to acquire knowledge well as better understand the facts and concepts of science;
(2) Learning through process skills will give students the chance to work with science, not just telling, and or listen to the history of science;
(3) process skills can be used by students to learn the process and product as well as science. Science Process Skills approach gives students the chance to actually act as a scientist.
From the above description can be stated that the application of process skills approach requires the involvement of mental-physical and intellectual students. It can be used to train and develop the intellectual skills or thinking abilities of students. It also develop scientific attitudes and students' ability to discover and develop the facts, concepts, and principles of science or knowledge.
Can then be used to solve the problems of everyday life in an objective and rational. Thus, it can be concluded that the science process skills is an intellectual activity is usually done by scientists in solving problems and producing products of science. Process skills in science teaching is an alternative model of learning or science that can involve students in the behavior and mental processes, such as scientists. Funk (1985) points out that the various process skills can be classified into two general categories: the basic process skills (basic skills) and integrated skills (integarted skills). Basic process skills include activities relating to observation, classification, measurement, communication, prediction, inference. If we examine further below.
1. Observation
Through observing the activities, students learn about the world around is fantastic. Human observing objects and phenomena of nature by engaging the senses sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing. Information obtained, it can require students about environmental interpretation and research them further. The ability to observe the most basic skills in the process and gain knowledge and skills most important to develop other processes. Observe a response to various natural objects and events with the five senses. By observation, students collect data on responses to the object being observed.
2. Classification
A large number of objects, events, and everything in life around, the more easily learned if done by determining the different types of classes. Characterize and observe the similarities, differences and relationships and grouping objects based on suitability for various purposes. Skills to identify similarities and differences of various objects based on the events of their distinctive properties so we get a kind of class or group of objects of events in question.
3. Communication
Humans began to learn early in life that communication is the basis for solving the problem. Skills menyapaikan something orally and in writing, including communication. Communicating can be interpreted as penyampaikan and acquire facts, concepts, and principles of science in the form of sound, visual, or sound and visual. Examples of reading maps, tables, garfik, charts, symbols, diagrams, visual demonstrations.
4. Measurement
Measure can be interpreted as comparing the measured with a specific unit of measure that has been previously defined. Skills in using the tool in obtaining the data can be called a measurement.
5. Prediction
Predeksi is the skill to predict which will happen, based on symptoms. Regularity in our environment allows us to recognize patterns and to predict the patterns of what might be observed. Predicting can be interpreted as anticipating or make predictions about everything that will happen in the future, based on estimates in a particular pattern or trend, or relationships between facts, concepts, and principles of knowledge.
6. Inference
Conducting inference is concluded. This can be interpreted as a skill to decide the state of an object or event based on the facts, concepts and principles are known. Integrated Skills is a blend of two basic process skills or abilities more. Consists of integrated skills: identifying variables, tabulation, chart, description of variables relations, acquisition and data processing, analysis investigation, experiment hypothesis.
a. Identification of variables: Skills to know the characteristics of the factors that will determine the change
b. Tabulation: Skills presentation of data in tabular form, to facilitate the reading of the relationship antarkomponen (compilation of data by lane-lane available)
c. Graph: Skills presentation with a line about the ups and downs of something worse. d. Description of relationship variables: Skills to make a synopsis / statement relationship
the factors that determine changes.
e. Acquisition and data processing: The skills to do the steps in order to meperoleh data.
f. Analysis of the investigation: Skills describe the subject matter of the parts and insolubility problems based on a consistent method to achieve an understanding of basic principles.
g. Hypothesis: Skills formulate provisional estimates.
h. Experiment: Skills to conduct experiments to prove a theory / explanation based on observation and reasoning.
Keterampian process as expressed by the Funk is a skill that must be applied to the process of education in schools by teachers. Learning science skills emphasized in the formation of acquiring knowledge and developing a scientific attitude. This can be achieved when using the approach in the learning process skills good basic process skills and integrated process skills (integrated) as revealed above.
The step-by-step approach to learning the skills that were held in the SD process is as follows:
a. Observations by experiencing an event itself.
b. Opinions expressed denmgan predictions about events experienced.
c. Hypothesis: formulating provisional estimates.
d.Melakukan experiments / experiments on respiration using a Model of Human Respiration.
e. Acquisition and data processing; do step by step experiments to obtain data.
f. Communication: report the results of the discussion group or submit the acquisition of facts, principles.
If the approach is applied Process Skills gained some advantages, among others, as follows:
1. Students will gain the right understanding about the nature of knowledge.
2. Students have the opportunity to work with science and feel happy.
3. Students have the opportunity to learn the process of obtaining and produces knowledge.