Most movies I recall dealing with time travel involve the moral dilemma of changing the future and touch upon the unforeseen consequences of trying to do right and fix the past. Looking at my results I am not sure I would actually know what to go back and do better. For me movies on time travel tend to be predictable and boring...my hope is to avoid the same fate for this post. My recent SOL results have been anything but predictable. The most notable film was Back to the Future. That is exactly where we are headed with all this testing. Backwards. No one except Dr. Emmett Brown(Christopher Lloyd) knew exactly how the Flux Capacitor worked and it caused a bunch of trouble for Marty(Miachael J. Fox), these tests are much the same. Difference here is we don't see them so we wouldn't know what to fix.
I observed recently while my students took the World History up to 1500 SOL test. It was a painful experience and makes you feel about as powerless as one could possibly be. This feeling is one which today's teachers are growing more familiar with. As I monitored them with the other proctors I could not help but imagine they were missing all kinds of questions as they took the 60 question online assessment. Surely they were making stupid mistakes on content we have drilled on in the previous weeks and more importantly learned earlier in the year. These were smart kids and most wanted to do well on this SOL and yet somehow I could just sense they weren't....ARGH! Much of this anxiety stemmed from the results of last semester's test, which were unexpectedly lower than they had been in the past.
So there's your plot for the movie. The protagonist... the teachers... against this antagonist testing culture. I could have walked around and looked at the test and maybe grunted or found some other way to inform them of their mis-steps. But I did not, which is unlike what appears to have happened in DC and elsewhere. Believe it or not most schools are actually staffed by ethical people who follow the rules. Though these individuals are overlooked by the news in favor of the student punching, criminal, just plain bad people teachers who do sometimes hold jobs in our profession. But back to the testing ...the whole process is cloaked in so much secrecy it can sometimes be rather dumb. I'll admit I am not even certain what they are being asked and how it is being asked and I teach the course!
During the test I sat stone faced with the other proctors while they worked and my mind played out all the scenarios. I knew many of them were missing questions. Would that mean little Susie will fail? What about little Johnny...he's not that good with tests and can't concentrate for more than 5 minutes. I know I had asked similar questions of them recently in the run up to the test, but I had likely done so in a slightly different way(I'd say better). Will that mess them up? For those that don't know these tests are in fact rather easy for most kids. Higher level kids know this and as a result few do any "real" preparation. I did ask them to take a post SOL survey on how many had "studied" beyond the reviews we had done in class. Only 7 of 29 students raised their hands. Awesome. Speaking generally all they care about is the test and yet, it appears they don't care. Despite being "easy" to pass it appears hard to receive a Pass Advanced score. And what of the kids whose skill set means any form of testing is a challenge? I have found too often their level or preparation quite similar. But too many of them do not do as well. Thinking more globally on the impact the weeks leading up to the test we went into test shutdown mode and these weeks after have been like waiting in line at the grocery store(all you want to do is get out). Tell me again how this is learning?
Thanks to the State Board of Ed what they did now affects how I am evaluated. Am I mad? What do you think? All I know is this test doesn't really hold them accountable. School yes, teacher yes, them no. When they miss a bunch of easy questions it hurts me not them(and the scores say they did miss questions). I would be hurt no matter the result if they did poorly which was the case for some of them. These kids wanted to do well but not quite as much as I wanted them to do well. I think that's part of what makes them kids. The only impact from recent value added legislation so far is that I am more disillusioned with the whole process. And keep in mind this I am referring mostly to the highest achieving population at our school. Our district ranks pretty well compared to the rest of the state. So does this really measure me as a teacher?