Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Characteristics of Active Learning in the Classroom

Before reading article below, you may be try to reading other our article. here is :
Active learning are all forms of learning that allows students to actively participate in the learning process. Currently active learning has been believed by most theorists, practitioners and policy makers in almost all parts of the earth as a learning concept that gives hope for the achievement of quality learning. Sticking to the idea conveyed by the Curriculum Centre Balitbang Events Calendar (2010), here are a number of characteristics or indicators of active learning in classroom settings:

Active Learning in the classroom

  1. A competency learning activities associated with other competence in a subject or other subjects.
  2. Learning activities to attract students.
  3. Was exciting learning activities of learners.
  4. All learners are actively involved in learning activities.
  5. Encourage students to think actively and creatively.
  6. Respect the opinions and work (work) friend.
  7. Encourage curiosity of learners to ask.
  8. Encourage learners perform exploration (exploration).
  9. Encourage learners to express ideas and feelings orally, in writing, in the form of images, three-dimensional products, motion, dance, and / or games.
  10. Encourage students not to fear making mistakes.
  11. Create an atmosphere of fun in doing the learning activities.
  12. Encourage students to do a variation of individual activity (independent), couples, groups, and / or the whole class.
  13. Encourage learners to work together to develop social skills.
  14. Learning activities involving many different senses.
  15. Using the tools, materials, or facilities when required by the learning activities.
  16. Engaging activities do, such as observation, experiments, investigations, role playing, games (games).
  17. Encourage students through awards, praise, encouragement.
  18. The work (work) learners displayed.
  19. Applying questioning techniques to encourage students to think and do activities.
  20. Encourage students to find information, data, and seek answers to questions.
  21. Encourage students to find themselves.
  22. Learners in general, dared to ask critical.

To be able to meet all the characteristics (indicators) above is certainly not an easy thing, especially for my friends who already tertiasa with passive learning pattern. Therefore, let us try to meet and practice it in class, ranging from the most likely to be implemented.

