Senin, 04 Juli 2011

"Monkey's Learning"

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You may never see the attraction ronggeng monkey or monkey mask, where a monkey can demonstrate to walk upright while carrying an umbrellas, make her baskets to back, riding a bicycle, and various other attractions. You can look in some

Monkey Mask

This attraction is generally held under the control of the handler, to the accompaniment of gamelan sounds simple. Once the scene is finished, the audience amused and immediately give saweran voluntary, as remuneration or thanks for the attractions that have been presented by his handler with his monkey.

The ability of monkeys to be able to demonstrate a scene like the illustration above are certainly not acquired suddenly, but basically the result of learning, through the touch of the handler by using the learning theories of behaviorism. Although it may be the handler himself never understood what it learned the theory of behaviorism, but it seems he has managed to apply the theory learned Behavioristic perfectly in the form of new competencies and behaviors monkey.

I give little idea of ​​how the learning process can get a monkey to the ability or competence of the above. At first, maybe the monkey is caught from the forest, of the initial capabilities like a wild monkey. Subsequently, he was taken to the human environment, by being given boarding named the cage. Under the handler training program is rigorous, monkeys follow a variety of learning activities. Learning methods that do the handler that is providing a continuous exercise with rests on two main forces, namely reward and punishment.

To be able to walk upright, the handler is tied to the back of the monkey's hand on the shoulder. If the monkey managed to stand upright in accordance with the instructions, the handler immediately give a gift of food that the monkeys, such as bananas, or provide other actions that make the monkey happy. But if it fails, the handler directly impose penalties, for example by pulling the chain or handcuff rope around his neck. If still stubborn, the handler did not hesitate to give other sanctions to force him to stand upright.

Learning patterns like these are constantly being made to acquire new competencies, such as: bring an umbrella-payungan, mirror, and so on. In fact he was trained well to do attractions kolabarasi with dog
Along with this ongoing learning process, the monkey heard the strains of gamelan music by the handler, with the aim that he can show movements that are drilled, along with playback of the rhythm of the gamelan.

After completion of the training program developed by the handler and the monkey has been deemed competent, achieve the minimum criteria for completeness of the handler is set, then invited into a new world monkeys, which are very much different from the world before he followed the learning activities with the handler.

Since then he's no longer a monkey as his colleagues are living freely in the forest. He no longer lives hanging from tree to tree, but he moves from one village to another village, showing the expertise gained from the handler. He no longer mingle with the family and their neighbors, but he is more sociable with humans. He no longer need to bother looking for his own food, but enough to wait for rations provided the handler. The handler is also in the feed will depend on the results of his labors circumference around the village with his favorite monkey.

The question is, with a variety of skills acquired from the handler, Was really happy that monkey? Still it proper we call it a monkey? How did the education that is appropriate for humans? Please let you ponder and discuss through the comments forum.

